Dear Mr. Trump, HELP ! Police attacks pregnant woman near Reichstag

Dear Donald Trump, President of the United States, Dear Supreme Headquarters, the police arrests German citizens in a violant, most brutal way. This time Officers of the «BRD Merkel- Regime» attacked a pregnant woman near the Reichstag:

The Police Officers even beat a woman on the «Strasse des 17. Juni»:

Police brutally beat a helpless, crying Woman: Slaughtery in Germany

The German People are ready for the «Friedensvertrag». Dear Donald Trump, please arrest the German Government as it is working against the German People for many years now ! The situation is serious and what happend on the 29th of August 2020 was a real desaster and it will turn into a civil war if the SHAEF won´t intervene:

In this Video German Police hijacks a peacefull, registered Truck:

Other small groups were stopped although the Demonstration was fully approved by the highest Court:

Please also invite Mister Putin to Berlin and shake Hands:

Please prevent Civil War in Germany:

The German People call Donald Trump and Wladimir Putin to save the WORLD !

The German People are ready for sovereignty:


Please come to Berlin and free the German People ! The Time has come: FREEDOM AND JUSTICE now – Let the 29th of August be an historic day ! Berlin is the City of Division, but also the City of Love – PEACE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD CAN ONLY BE ACHIEVED IN BERLIN !

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